Today's post is brought to you by a fabulous children's book my oldest introduced me to -- Pete the Cat and His Four Groovy Buttons.
Pete is a very cool cat. In this book, he's singing a song about his four groovy buttons when a button pops off his shirt. But Pete doesn't cry. He just keeps going, counting down as each button pops off until the only button left is his belly button. And he's happy.
I can learn a lot from Pete this week. Or month, really. If I had to give the last month a theme it would be "change." And honestly, most of the change is still on the horizon. Friends, I'm anxious about change I am anticipating.
How silly is that?
Jesus tells us not to be anxious about anything (Philippians 4:6).
I've teared up and gulped back more tears in the last month than I have in probably the last decade. There are even more that I haven't been able to hold back. The kids' teacher thinks I've lost my mind. (I've wondered myself a few times!)
Tonight in my prayer journal I listed out all the things I'm anxious about. In detail. There were 17 bullet points. At the top of the list I wrote, "Hey! God said not to be anxious about ANYTHING!!"
I'm not sure if Pete is a scripture-reading cat or if he's just innately laid back (probably the latter), but he's on to something.
Change is a part of life. We can be anxious and cry, or we can take it in stride and trust the Lord.
In addition to holding tight to scriptures like Psalm 56:3 and Deuteronomy 31:8, I'm adopting Pete's attitude and jingle. You might even hear me singing it sometime soon.
Did Pete cry?
Goodness, no!
Buttons come and buttons go.
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