Friday, August 7, 2015

Life Lessons from Pete the Cat


Today's post is brought to you by a fabulous children's book my oldest introduced me to -- Pete the Cat and His Four Groovy Buttons.

Pete is a very cool cat. In this book, he's singing a song about his four groovy buttons when a button pops off his shirt. But Pete doesn't cry. He just keeps going, counting down as each button pops off until the only button left is his belly button. And he's happy.

I can learn a lot from Pete this week. Or month, really. If I had to give the last month a theme it would be "change." And honestly, most of the change is still on the horizon. Friends, I'm anxious about change I am anticipating

How silly is that?

Jesus tells us not to be anxious about anything (Philippians 4:6). 

I've teared up and gulped back more tears in the last month than I have in probably the last decade. There are even more that I haven't been able to hold back. The kids' teacher thinks I've lost my mind. (I've wondered myself a few times!)

Tonight in my prayer journal I listed out all the things I'm anxious about. In detail. There were 17 bullet points. At the top of the list I wrote, "Hey! God said not to be anxious about ANYTHING!!"

I'm not sure if Pete is a scripture-reading cat or if he's just innately laid back (probably the latter), but he's on to something.

Change is a part of life. We can be anxious and cry, or we can take it in stride and trust the Lord.

In addition to holding tight to scriptures like Psalm 56:3 and Deuteronomy 31:8, I'm adopting Pete's attitude and jingle. You might even hear me singing it sometime soon.

Did Pete cry?
Goodness, no!
Buttons come and buttons go.

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Satan Is For Real

Satan is for real, friends, and he attacked me this week.

He knows that as a coach's wife I struggle with the time commitment required. I grow weary of always being the parent to pick up and drop off or take the calls from the school when a child is sick. I feel ridiculously lonely being the single parent at parties and school activities. I feel terrible always turning down social engagements because I either don't have a babysitter or don't want to be away from home during a precious time when Greg is around.

Many times Satan will whisper lies to me about Greg loving football more than me and the kids.

Well, with the season kicking off last week, I was in high spirits and excited about the fresh season ahead -- a perfect time for the enemy to attack.

Through work, I met someone new. It turns out he had recently left high school coaching after 8 seasons. Why had he left? Well, about 5 years ago when his son was born, he and his wife realized that your priorities are where you time is spent - and they decided he needed to be spending more time with his family and less time at work.

Do you see the similarities here?? Eight seasons, an almost 5-year-old son .... making family more of a priority. This wife received the gift I dream of more often than I'd like to admit. It brought me to my knees.

And then I realized it was Satan.

How clever.

With that realization, the Lord gave me the strength to get back up. He renewed my excitement for the season. This morning at church I was covered in a deep realization that God chose me to be a coach's wife.

What an honor.

Who knows if perhaps you were made queen (a coach's wife!) for just such as a time as this? -- Esther 4:14

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Happy Football Eve!

After the epic fail that was summer 2014, I can tell you that we did it right this year. We started off by attending Coaches Outreach in June. If you're a coaching couple, you should be at one of their summer marriage retreats. This was our 5th year (we think - starting to lose count) and it was a great one. We love meeting others who live our life. It's restful and energizing at the same time.

In July we journeyed north to Canada where we spent a week with cousins.The weather was spectacular - think the perfect spring day with NO bugs! We saw fireworks, all the tourist sites, ate some good food and jumped on a trampoline. What could be more fun?!

Mixed in there we swam in our inflatable pool, played in cardboard boxes, and celebrated the boys' birthdays. I also managed to attend a conference in Chicago (can you say selfie at the Bean?).

So tonight summer comes to a close. Greg is officially back at work in the morning. Season 8 begins.

You might remember that I like to get Greg a small present to kick off the season. To me it's become a fun tradition, even though he has yet to LIKE any of the surprises I've gotten him. That changed tonight. I got us matching Qalo rings. He'd never heard of them so he thought they were pretty cool. Maybe he will start a trend on the staff.

Here's to a great 2015 season - an opportunity to show Christ's love to the young men he's put in our lives, pray for them as they navigate life, and maybe win a few games!