Sunday, July 26, 2015

Happy Football Eve!

After the epic fail that was summer 2014, I can tell you that we did it right this year. We started off by attending Coaches Outreach in June. If you're a coaching couple, you should be at one of their summer marriage retreats. This was our 5th year (we think - starting to lose count) and it was a great one. We love meeting others who live our life. It's restful and energizing at the same time.

In July we journeyed north to Canada where we spent a week with cousins.The weather was spectacular - think the perfect spring day with NO bugs! We saw fireworks, all the tourist sites, ate some good food and jumped on a trampoline. What could be more fun?!

Mixed in there we swam in our inflatable pool, played in cardboard boxes, and celebrated the boys' birthdays. I also managed to attend a conference in Chicago (can you say selfie at the Bean?).

So tonight summer comes to a close. Greg is officially back at work in the morning. Season 8 begins.

You might remember that I like to get Greg a small present to kick off the season. To me it's become a fun tradition, even though he has yet to LIKE any of the surprises I've gotten him. That changed tonight. I got us matching Qalo rings. He'd never heard of them so he thought they were pretty cool. Maybe he will start a trend on the staff.

Here's to a great 2015 season - an opportunity to show Christ's love to the young men he's put in our lives, pray for them as they navigate life, and maybe win a few games!